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Unsere Organisation schätzt immer die Großzügigkeit und das Engagement von Menschen, egal wie hoch die Summe ist, jeder Betrag bringt unsere gemeinnützige Organsiation näher an ihre Ziele und hilft, die Arbeit von Children Care Uganda und damit unsere Welt weiter zu verbessern. Sie können direkt auf unser deutsches oder ugandisches Konto überweisen, finanzielle Hilfe über PayPal senden oder über unsere Seite online spenden.




ACC-NAME: Children Care Uganda Deutschland eV

IBAN: DE50 7905 0000 0048 7790 86





ACC-NAME: Children Care Uganda Deutschland eV

BANK: ABSA Bankkonto Uganda:

BIC: 6006816361






Danke für Ihre Unterstützung!!  



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Ehrenamtliches Engagement

Aktives Mitglied werden

Möchten Sie sich unseren Bemühungen anschließen,

sind sich aber nicht sicher, wo Sie anfangen sollen?

Engagieren Sie sich bei Children Care Uganda Deutschland e.V. 

und nutzen Sie diese unglaubliche Gelegenheit,

um uns zu unterstützen.

Ein aktives Mitglied zu werden, ist eine großartige Möglichkeit,

zu unserer Sache beizutragen, und jedes kleine

bisschen zählt dazu,

Kindern und Familien in Not zu helfen.


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Beitrittserklärung Children Care Uganda Deutschland e.V.



Nicht sicher, wofür sie spenden möchten?

Dies sind einige der Bereiche, in denen wir Ihre Unterstützung benötigen könnten

Soccer Pitch

We are depending on the school opening times to carry out our sports activities. With our own soccer pitch we are flexible, can hold tournaments and can store our equipment. For this project we need 5000 Euros to build the pitch and 4000 Euros for building a store and changing room.

Chicken Farm

To become more sustainable we want to raise and sell chicken. This will also serve our nutrition project at the center. Donate for one chicken 12 Euros or help building the stall with a donation of 400 Euros.


We often have to reach far into the villages for home visits, resettlements and community activities. To keep our staff and children safe we want to invest in a 4-wheeler. It will also make retreats and trips as a group possible, without the need of hiring a vehicle expensively. You can make a donation towards reaching our goal of 30.000 Euros to buy a Toyota HiAce High Roof Top.

Maternity Kit

Many young girls, who are unexpected pregnant, don't receive support from their families. They are forced to give birth from their village because of lack of transport and finances. Besides of family counseling and guidance of under-aged, pregnant girls we want to help them with an emergency kit to access the medical service needed to keep mother and child safe.

Monthly Donation

With a monthly donation you give us the opportunity to plan ahead and across our projects. Your faithful giving gives security in financial planning and gives us the chance to carry out our operation

16 days of activism

Our community dialogues during the the 16 days of activism sensitize about GBV, gender equality, children's rights, rights of people living with disabilities and more. Support our work by sponsoring one event for each 250 Euros.

New Motorbike

For our field visits and daily operations, e.g., home visits, community activities, sports, etc., we are in need of reliable means of transport. We don't have enough means to carry out our activities and are in need of 2 new bikes, which cost 5,000 Euros each.

Fencing of Vegetable garden

The neighbors' cows and goats keep destroying the crops of our vegetable field. You can make our harvest successful by donating for building a fence for 2000 Euros.

Radio Talk show

To be able to reach out to more people with our sensitization programs, we want to implement a quarterly radio talk show. Each activity costs about 350 Euros, for which you can make a specific donation today.

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